This is my general blog about all the mundane goings on in my life. It's a place to share photos and keep my memories, I hope you enjoy reading it

Coundown Clock

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Belated Happy New Year

Firstly can I say a HUGE and overdue HAPPY NEW YEAR to all in blogland. So sorry I haven't blogged for so long but I have had an awful couple of months, I think I have seriously had every bug going, flu, tummy bug, tonsilitas, you name it and on top of the M.E it has just knocked me for six.

Anyway I finally (touch wood) seem to be on the mend and am looking forward to my birthday next week. We are hoping to go away for the weekend but still working out the details.

We had a lovely Christmas and my FAB hubby even bought me some craft stuff, ( I know I was amazed too) I got some gorgeous Sugar nellie stamps and promarkers. It really made my day.

We had a pretty quite time over the holidays but TBH that was all I could manage but we still managed to have a whole lot of fun and I played more Buzz, Singstar, Guitar Hero and Mario Cart than one person should admit too.

So what are my New Year resolutions / plans for 2009? Well I'm hoping to lose a bit of weight and eat a lot healthier, since I turned veggie in April I tend to eat a lot of the same stuff and snack more on unhealthy stuff like crisps but thats all going to change, I want to spend far more time with my family and friends, a few things last year really made me take stock and realise that life is to short so you have to live for the moment and enjoy what you have instead of wondering what is still to come.

Craft wise I'm hoping to join in more of the challenge blogs and I am so excited about the upcoming cybercrop on UKS. I am also going to blog more and take more photographs.

Right off to have a wander round blogland and see what I missed.

Tracey xxx

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